Have You Tried?

It’s not easy being green

April 19, 2013
a pile of orange leaves

… so sings Kermit the frog. Plants would have a different tune: they love being green, most of them are green (at least their leaves!), they esteem green, expect to be green, help the earth tremendously by being green, are able to capture the sun’s energy with their green, and would not consider being anything else.

And this is the time of year when the greens are making the scene – spring is here, buds are opening, shoots are emerging from the ground, it’s all beginning to feel like a good, green world. So here’s a suggestion for a little outdoor journey to explore the different shades of green.

Visit one of the big home stores (i.e. Home Depot, Lowes) and get a few of the shades-of-green paint charts – they are free. Then with paint chart(s) in hand go outdoors searching high and low, little and big, for the shades of green in nature that might match up with those in your green color guide or chart.

