Day Camp


campers canoeing

Cedar Pond

Cedar Pond is a beautiful campsite that juts out into Lake Tiorati. This is our home base for our flat-water canoe trips. Here campers learn some of the fundamentals of canoeing. Building skills is the most important part of the canoeing program at The Nature Place. Learning and becoming proficient at various canoe strokes, steering, performing water rescues and a host of other paddling and water safety techniques all help to build self-confidence. When at Cedar Pond you can almost imagine yourself to be in the wilds of Maine or somewhere in the heart of Colorado.

Camping skills are further refined and there is time for lingering around the campfire in the evening before turning in for a good sleep in our tents under the pines, serenaded by the soft lapping of the water against the shore.

Delaware River

River canoeing, in flat (quiet) water or in white (quickly moving) water sets a whole new tone to water adventures. River canoeing skills, taught and practiced at Cedar Pond are put into action on this, the longest free-flowing river east of the Mississippi.

We learn how to read the river, safely navigate our course, how to upright an overturned canoe and how to watch the sky for changes in the weather. There is much wildlife to be seen: bald eagles, the ever-present white-tailed deer, and even an occasional black bear!