Questions with a Camper

20 Questions with a Camper: Eliza

February 13, 2024
Child playing in the wilderness outdoor camp for kids

Eliza was a camper in Group N during the summer of 2023 and shares her experience about summer camp at The Nature Place:


Q1: What did you like best about camp this past summer?

Diving underwater at the pond!

Q2: What is your favorite Nature Place activity?

Going to music with Edith

Q3: Who was your favorite counselor?

Reese and Ella

Q4: How many summers have you spent at The Nature Place?


Q5: What is your favorite memory from the summer?

Almost overnight!

Q6: What advice would you share with a new camper starting at The Nature Place this summer?

Don’t be scared, it’s okay, we can swim in the pond together!

Q7: This or That: Swimming in the Pond or Mucking in the Fairy Stream?

Swim in the pond!

Q8: What was your favorite camp song?

All I Really Need

Q9: Who are you looking forward to seeing next summer?

Daegan 🙂

Q10: What skill or knowledge did you learn this summer?

To muck in the stream!

Q11: What was the coolest thing that happened on a day hike?

When we saw lots of trees!

Q12: What activity do you want to get more into at camp next summer?


Q13: What is your favorite spot at The Nature Place?

The Pond

Q14: Where do you think the trolls go during the winter?

Under things like benches

Q15: What did you like about your counselor/s this summer?

They always helped us when we needed help.

Q16: What was your favorite dish at Cooking?

Fruit pops and chocolate cake

Q17: What was your favorite art project?

The little frog made out of paper plates and we bent the legs, arms, and then the tongue popped out when we blew into a straw!

Q18: What was the most unusual thing you found in the fairy stream while mucking?

Papers and stuff

Q19: What is your favorite camp tradition?

Swimming in the pond

Q20: Would you like to work as staff when you are older? Counselor, Pond, or activity leader, and why?

I would like to be a lifeguard when I’m older
