Questions with a Staff Member

20 Questions with an Activity Leader: Beans

April 18, 2024
Archery instructor helping camper aim bow and arrow.

Beans is a passionate activity leader and long-time veteran of The Nature Place who embodies the true spirit of camp. She shares her experience from summer 2023 and beyond.


Q1: How many summers have you spent at The Nature Place?

This coming summer will be my 7th year at Nature Place!

Q2: Have you always been an activity leader?

No, I was a counselor for my first summer in 2018 and then the next year I came back as an activity leader.

Q3: What is your favorite Nature Place activity?

I love archery, which I discovered my first summer at NPDC. It really is an honor to help campers achieve their potential for the sport and I am constantly amazed by what our campers overcome in this program.

Q4: What was your favorite part of this past summer?

I made some new friends this summer with my fellow staff who we all spend time outside of camp getting together. It’s cool to reflect on the progression of our friend group.

Q5: What originally brought you to The Nature Place?

In college, one of my professors was a part of the Nature Place and made an announcement at the beginning of class one night saying “if you need a summer job, definitely check this place out” and I spent an hour or so of his class filling out my application that very night.

Q6: What has been bringing you back year after year?

Nature Place is pure magic, and my first summer was- without hesitation- one of the best summers of my life. It’s amazing how, even with new staff members and new campers, every year we pull off a great summer program as this giant team of strangers and become a family.

Q7: Who is your favorite morning share character?

Tough question! But if I need to pick one, it has to be the flower fairy. She’s lovely and always makes birthdays that much brighter.

Q8: What was your first memory of The Nature Place?

My group interview! It was a beautiful day in April, and when I got to campus, Scott and Jenna were there to greet us. It was nothing like any interview I’ve ever been on. We did team building exercises, and spent time answering questions about child care, but we also got personal with life stories and how that shaped us into who we are today.

Q9: What was your favorite memory from this summer?

Walking into the camping department on my birthday and my fellow adventure department all signed a card wishing me a happy birthday.

Q10: What are you most looking forward to next summer?

I have loved watching the older groups of our campers grow up. So I guess I’m excited to see them and where they are in life (and of course I’m excited to see all the campers) but watching these older campers growth has been a privilege to witness and I’m so proud of them all.

Q11: What advice would you share with a new camper starting at The Nature Place this summer?

Please come as your most authentic, truest self! We are lucky to have you spending your summer with us.

Q12: Who are you looking forward to seeing next summer?

Well always the campers, and fellow staff. But I always am excited to see my dear dear friend, the Beautiful Marley May- our SB team veteran. She’s a real peach and a great friend.

Q13: What is your favorite camp song?

All I really need!

Q14: What is your favorite spot at The Nature Place?

I am bias and think my office- aka Mary Daly field- is the best spot at camp. It’s beautiful, tons of cool wildlife, and that’s where I get to do archery all summer.

Q15: What is the first thing you do after you wake up, to get ready for your day at The Nature Place?

Brush my teeth, drink a bunch of water, and apply a copious amount of sunscreen!

Q16: What is the first thing you do when you get home after a day at camp?

I always do a tick check the second I get home. That’s very important!

Q17: Where do you think the trolls go during the winter?

I think they snuggle up under the fairy bridges and occasionally stare into the kitchen windows, daydreaming about Eva’s outstanding cooking.

Q18: What is your favorite camp tradition?

I love when the camp is at morning share and we talk about what a beautiful day it is or something really awesome, and then the whole camp- in chorus- says “OH AH! How can it be?!”

Q19: What activities, besides your own, would you want to lead?

Oh gosh, my coworkers are all so talented, I can’t fairly state that I would want to do anything because I know it would never be as awesome as them.

Q20: What was the most unusual thing you saw in or that has come out of the Fairy Stream?

When I’m taking campers mucking, I try and focus on litter pick up- and our campers have taken out several hundred pounds of garbage (paper, plastic, a jacket, a book bag, a pillow) but the weirdest thing was a mannequin head!
